Multimodal Services Overview

Managed Transportation - Solution Overview

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800.354.7993 | Our Managed Transportation solution means better service, savings, and visibility. Contact an Echo representative today. Managed Transportation Managed Transportation Simplify Your Logistics with Echo's Managed Transportation Solution Our dedicated team enhances your supply chain and reduces your costs, saving most clients an average of 8% to 15% or more on their annual freight spend. Our Managed Transportation Solution Improves Your Supply Chain •••••• ••• - -€‚€ - ƒ -‚„ Echo's Scale and Flexibility Ensure Consistent, Quality Service - •‚ •‚ …‚€„ Bottom-Line Savings A Closer Look at How We Serve You †…‡ „€ • € ‚ •€€ ‚€‚ ˆ „ ‰•••• € ˆ•••Š € † ‡ ˆ € ‚ † € € „

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